Frequently asked questions
Bin collection is managed by Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC).
You can find your current bin day on the AVDC website or download the app for Android or iPhone by searching ‘AVDC Bins’ in the app store.
You can find the nearest schools to your address on the Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) website.
There is a very limited bus service from Preston Bissett. A bus runs on Tuesdays to Buckingham market and back. The latest information can be found on the Bus Times website.
We have a defibrillator located on the front wall of the Old School Hall in The Square. We really hope you will never have to use it, but should you need to, full instructions/directions for its use are on the front panel.
Preston Bissett has a Clothing Recycling Container located in the Recreation Park Carpark. Recycling clothes using this container means that not only will the Salvation Army receive much needed funds from the sale of these clothes, but they kindly give the village a percentage of sales; money which will be reinvested back into our community.
Click here to find out more about what to do if you see a swarm of bees.
We are very lucky to have a few people in the village who run their own businesses / have very useful trades. Below is a list of their contact details:
Martin Selby-Lowndes. Painter/decorator. 07900 138859
Richard Gulliver. Small building projects / carpentry. 01280 848280 / 07960 922418
William Gulliver.General property maintenance/garden maintenance / landscaping/domestic fencing. 07591 592173 /
Ruth Hawkins: Injury and Sports Therapist, Personal Trainer with own gym for small classes 07814 723442
Pat Webb Sew Fitting – alterations etc 5 Pound Lane 07907 752343
James & Anna King – Accommodation and storage containers
Sally Leggatt (Bostock) – artist who takes commissions for animal portraits in watercolour, dry colour media and graphite 01296 730113
If you have a useful, household trade or service and would like to be listed here, then please contact us via the ‘Contact form’. We will list your name, trade and telephone number only….no adverts please.
In much the same way as we encourage residents to clear the footpaths in the winter if we have snow, there are very few good reasons to prevent a resident living in an urban area with a 30mph speed limit from cutting the verge outside of their property. If you want to cut the grass then:
– Use a petrol mower if possible, if not then make sure your electric mower has a protected plug or is connected to a protected socket
– Make sure there are no big stones that could flick up and break windows, damage cars or hurt yourself or a passing pedestrian
– Stop mowing when somebody comes close
– If you want to collect the clippings then dispose of them responsibly. Leave the last cuts clippings in place, this will help to replenish the soils nutrients.