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Village Hall update….resending

Dear All

I understand that some of you were unable to read the update which was sent a couple of days ago. I have enclosed a different version below in the hope that it works with iPhones!

Preston Bissett Village Hall update 10 January 2023

Dear Villager,

Since the last update we have recruited another trustee, Andrew Steer, who brings skills and experience we do not have.  So, most welcome.

Unfortunately, there has been a major flood across the floor and this is now damaged beyond simple repair.  So, we are working with the insurance company to get it sorted.

At the same time we will start work on removing the screen and redecorating the ceiling and walls.

In the meantime we cannot let the hall for any functions or meetings.  We will, of course, keep you posted as we progress.

If you have any questions or want to get in touch please contact one of the trustees.


Mark Payne, Anna King, Andrew Steer Harry Morten and Carl Shute.

The trustees