Many thanks to all who attended a very positive and informative meeting. The notes are below:

Village Events Meeting
15 October 2019
Flip Chart Notes:
Communication with village can be improved
Too much emphasis on Church
Organisation not inclusive
Events repetitive
Think bigger, think outside the box
Organisation of events can be improved
Actively encourage new events committee members
Make it clear events are “Village” events.
Survey villagers to gather new ideas for events and to establish what villagers want
Define purpose of the committee
Identify what funding needs there are in the village in addition to the Church
A meeting of the events committee will be convened in November to which a number of new members will be invited. Those volunteering to join the group are listed below.
First tasks will be to agree the remit of the committee, needs and targets for fund raising and the communication channels to be used to advertise activities in the village and engage support.
Members volunteering to join the events committee are:
Carl Shute, Andrew Steer, Steve Judge, Ruth Hawkins , Neil Daniel, Jonny Eynon
The Old School
In addition to Village events, the meeting raised the topic of the Old School building and its availability to be developed into a proper Village Hall. The rector and Church Wardens, past and present, as the legally appointed trustees have been working to achieve this aim for the use and benefit of the whole village. Though protracted for complicated legal reasons this goal is still being actively pursued and in fact the next meeting between the Trustees and their legal advisors is scheduled for the week commencing 21 October. Following this meeting, further information will be advised as appropriate.