Remember to use the Morning After Calculator!
Travel Safe Bucks is advising rugby fans to be mindful of driving the morning after drinking alcohol during the Rugby World Cup tournament, which runs until 2nd November. As with all major sporting events, the tournament will be enjoyed and celebrated by millions, with alcohol potentially playing a part. But people don’t always realise how long it takes for alcohol to pass through the body, and that they might still be over the drink-drive limit the morning after.
The penalties for drink driving include a minimum 12-month driving ban, a criminal record, a hefty fine, up to six months in prison and an endorsement on your license for 11 years.
To assist fans, Travel Safe Bucks is taking the opportunity to once again promote the fantastic Morning After app. The app has been produced to help people calculate roughly when it will be safe to drive the morning after drinking alcohol. It can also help you calculate when you need to stop drinking alcohol if you need to drive the following morning.
The app is available to download free of charge, or can be used online, at
The focus on drink driving won’t end with the Rugby World Cup, though. Through the festive season, covering Christmas and New Year right up until the end of December, Travel Safe Bucks will be promoting the Morning After app and launching a brand new Drink Drive campaign with local businesses across Bucks. We will even be hosting an event at Arla, with the aim of educating people on drink driving and how long alcohol can stay in the system. More info to come on this nearer to the time…