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Summer Church Services

Team Services for all ten churches of the Claydons and Swan Team have been planned for the school summer holiday period. The Church of England has recommended that churches remain cautious at this time of rapidly increasing Covid 19 infections. Therefore restrictions – face coverings (unless exempt), social distancing and no singing – remain in place for the time being. 

Please book a seat with Brian Fuller on giving the names of anyone you wish to sit with. This will enable a seating plan to be prepared and provides an attendance list for track and trace.  

Sunday 1st August 10.00am at East Claydon Church

Led by Revd David Hiscock            Book by Thursday 29 July

Sunday 8th August 10.00am at Marsh Gibbon Church

Led by Revd Angela Mann            Book by Thursday 5 August

Sunday 15th August 10.00am at Steeple Claydon Church

Led by Revd Angela Mann                 Book by Thursday 12 August

Sunday 22nd August 10.00am at Preston Bissett Church

Led by Revd David Hiscock                Book by Thursday 19 August

Sunday 29th August 10.00am at Twyford Church

Led by Revd David Hiscock                Book by Thursday 26 August

Revd David Hiscock,

Team Rector of Claydons & Swan Team                  

The Rectory, Castle Street, Marsh Gibbon, Bicester, Oxon, OX27 0HJ     01869 277297

Revd Angela Mann, Team Vicar

The Rectory, Grendon Underwood, Aylesbury, HP18 0SY

01296 771100