In June, the country will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and we are hoping to organise an event to mark this occasion. It will be a great way to enjoy each other’s company and put the constraints of recent years behind us.
The date of the event will be Sunday 5th June 2022
Before we can organise and event, we want to gauge support and numbers likely to attend. Once we establish that, we can focus on what the celebration will consist of. Please let us know the likely numbers of adults and children from your household that would attend.
There are various ways to pass on that information:
Message: 07943 874419…….or…….07907 752343
Reply to this email
Or drop a note in at 5 Pound Lane, Preston Bissett
Please make sure you include your contact details.
ALSO: If you are interested in helping to organise the event, please let us know by 10th February, providing contact details, and we can arrange an informal meeting to discuss ideas.
We look forward to hearing from you
The Jubilee Committee