Dear Villager,
We are delighted to be able to share with you news that the Charity Commission have
established the Preston Bissett Recreational Trust (manages the Village Hall, Old School
House and the Gardens) and the Preston Bissett Village Hall which will lease the hall and
manage its use.
As always life is never straightforward and in this instance the Hall’s Energy Performance
Rating needs to be lifted from category G, the least efficient, to category E, or higher, before
the lease can be signed. So, the trustees from both charities will work together to agree the
terms of the lease and how best to raise the energy efficiency.
Looking forward we are hoping to agree the improvements, start fund raising and get work
going soon. We will keep you posted.
In the meantime, we thought it might be useful for you to know:
Preston Bissett Village Hall (referred to as the CIO i.e. Charitable Incorporated
Organisation )
Objects (or purpose) as agreed with Charity Commission are to establish and run a Village
Hall and to promote for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Preston Bissett (“area of
benefit”) without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, nationality, race or
political, religious or other opinions the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure
time occupation of individuals who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age,
infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social and economic circumstances or for the
public at large in the interests of social welfare and with the object of improving the
conditions of life of the said inhabitants.
Trustees: Anna King, Harry Morten, Mark Payne and Carl Shute
Preston Bissett Recreational Trust
The objects (or purpose) of the charity are:
- the advancement of education of children and of adults resident in the area of benefit
(note: that is Preston Bissett and its neighbourhood as set out in the Charity Commission
Scheme), provided such education shall not be inconsistent with the principles and
practices of the Church of England. - To provide facilities (not inconsistent with the principles and practices of the Church of
England) for recreation, or other leisure-time occupation, in the interests of social welfare,
for persons who have need of the facilities because of their youth, age, infirmity or
disability, poverty, or social and economic circumstances, or to members of the public at
large, in the area of benefit. - The property described in the schedule may be retained for use for the objects, or may be
leased, in whole or in part, to the CIO on a peppercorn, or such other terms as the
trustees may determine, for use for the objects, provided that the term of the lease shall
not exceed 64 years.
Trustees: The trustees are the Incumbent of the Benefice of The Claydons and Swan and the
Churchwardens of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Preston Bissett. Currently they are: The
Reverend David Hiscock, Ron Aspinall and Graham Gulliver.
From the trustees of the Preston Bissett Recreational Trust and the Preston Bissett Village
Hall charities.
25 March 2022