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Cheese and Wine evening on Wednesday, 4 December (in aid of the Village Hall) – Volunteers wanted

We will be holding a Cheese and Wine evening in the Village Hall on Wednesday, 4 December.  Apart from the social aspects it will be an opportunity to stock up for Christmas, and more details will follow.

In the meantime we am looking for:

– Volunteers to run a wine raffle, help behind the bar and prepare the cheeses.

– Donations for the raffle, preferably something to do with wine and/or Christmas.

– If you can help please get in touch with Mark Payne (M/WhatsApp: 07565 857462. E:

Oh, and please share the date with your friends, the more the merrier and more income for the Village Hall.

Hoping to see you there,

Mark Payne, on behalf of the Village Hall Trustees