We would like to update you on our progress with our COVID-19 vaccination service.
Firstly thank you to all of our staff and volunteers for giving up their time to deliver this service, it has needed a lot of extra time and goodwill. The Rotary Club have been brilliant standing in the cold (and snow!!) to help our patients access the centre.
We have invited in excess of 3000 of patients and we are happy to say we have vaccinated over 2300 patients in the last 5 days. We are now inviting the first 900 patients of cohort 4. This cohort has 1800 patients and we can’t do you all at once, we are NOT running alphabetically.
If you have received a second text and already had your 1st vaccination please delete this, there is a slight lag in the electronic system updated our records and so our searches may show you as having not received your first vaccination. It is important you don’t book for your second vaccination just yet, we will re-send invites when the time comes.
If you are housebound we should have this recorded on our system and we will start our housebound vaccination sessions this week. You will be contacted by our nursing team soon.
Our systems rely on up to date phone numbers, and we have over 200 people in the over 75 cohort who we have not been able to contact. We are sending letters today to all of these patients. If you are over 75 and you have not heard from us by letter, or phone-call please call reception and ask to be added to the ‘Green List’ – we will then book your appointment and update your contact details at the same time.
Our total figures for ALL patients over the age of 50 are just under 12,000 people and so we will be here for a while. We are doing really well and yet our clinics and appointment availability relies on vaccine delivery. We get notified on a weekly basis what we expect to receive the following week, and so we can only add clinics for a week at a time and yet your invitation link will stay ‘live’ for 21 days, so if you see no available appointments just check back again later.
If we surpass the vaccination numbers in each cohort we may not have a scheduled delivery as this may be diverted to an area where the priority cohorts are not yet completed.
We have been able to add extra vaccinations in our first few sessions as we worked out the numbers based on 5 vaccinations per vial , we have been able to get a 6th dose quite often, and as we are not wasting any doses, have offered carers, keyworkers vaccinations opportunistically when this has been possible. We have now revised our numbers and should not have spare vaccine, apart from for booked appointments. Please don’t email in or attend asking for spare vaccine, the admin email account is now inundated with requests we can’t fulfil.Many thanks to all who have helped and attended – it has been hard work but enjoyable and we are doing our best to get to you all in turn.