We held a bumper double 100 Club Draw, winners were drawn at the same time as the summer raffle draw at the cricket field yesterday. Results were as follows:
1st draw
1st. £25 George Gulliver
2nd. £10 Harry Moreton
3rd. £5 Christophine Goss
2nd draw
1st. £25 Eira Aspinall
2nd £10 Graham & Karen Ellis
3rd. £5 James King
Congratulations!…..winnings will be delivered today.
Our next draw will be in August. If you would like a chance to win prizes in the 100 club, only £1 a month, all proceeds to the upkeep of the Church, please contact Sally tel no 847535 or email sallygulliver@hotmail.com
Our next draw will be in August.